OneTrack vs Forklift Telemetry Systems for Warehouse Safety
Create a culture of safety in your warehouses with forklift AI cameras. Logistics teams use OneTrack to proactively keep their people safe and hold operators accountable — all without the false events and lift shutdowns from traditional forklift telemetry systems.
Forklift safety software: Head-to-head comparison
What a forklift telemetry system does
Forklift telemetry systems use a GForce threshold to notify you when an impact occurs and lock out a lift.
Unfortunately, GForce is a static number. It can’t differentiate between a dockplate, a crack in the floor, or an impact, which can lead to false positive triggers.
This forces logistics teams to turn down the GForce threshold on their forklift telematics to a point where many safety events, impacts, and product hits slip through unnoticed.
What OneTrack does
OneTrack's Warehouse Intelligence platform helps logistics teams create safer, faster warehouses.
By combining AI and camera sensors, OneTrack learns your unique warehouse processes and alerts you when things like forklift impacts or product hits occur. Beyond that, it allows you to be proactive instead of reactive after an incident.
OneTrack is able to detect leading indicators of safety events, phone use, idle time, and can even monitor lift utilization. We then give you robust reporting to help coach operators, improve process using data, and create the safest and fastest warehouses on the planet.
How logistics leaders use OneTrack to create safer, faster warehouses
Install OneTrack AI sensors on forklifts, yard trucks, and other MHE in the warehouse.
Set up real-time alerts so supervisors know when any safety or productivity events occur.
Use video evidence and safety workflow tools to enhance operator coaching conversations after an incident.
Use AI to identify the leading indicators of safety incidents in your warehouse to proactively coach forklift operators.
Spot trends, measure success, and improve operations with operator, site, and network level reporting.
Why logistics teams prefer OneTrack over traditional forklift telemetry systems
Forklift telemetry systems rely on one signal: G-Force. Which leads to false positives, lost productivity, or turning the threshold down so much that impacts slip through. OneTrack uses AI and computer vision to monitor your warehouse 24/7, making it 7x more accurate than traditional telemetry systems, and customized to show your team what matters most to them.
By adding video into the equation you get full visibility into what’s happening on the warehouse floor. Instead of only knowing when an event occurs, you can see what happened, and more importantly why it happened so you can hold forklift operators accountable and coach them for the future.
With OneTrack’s AI, you aren’t limited to corrective action after an incident already happens. Get notified of the leading indicators of MHE safety events like unsafe turns, phone use, debris on the ground, and more, so you can coach operators proactively and foster a culture of safety in your warehouses.
Don't just take our word for it
"It's one thing to have a system that just detects GForce or does a dash cam video. It's another thing to have it connected to a system that recognizes what's really an incident and what should my team spend their time on. And that's where OneTrack's AI really shines."

Brien Downie
"We were using a telemetry system fleet wide for our forklifts and it was a disaster. And we knew it was a disaster because of the data that OneTrack started giving us. We ended up removing telemetry from all our lifts and only using OneTrack for safety and fleet utilization."
Michael Robson
Executive Vice President
Ready to see OneTrack in action for yourself?
Use AI to get alerted when any safety incidents occur in your warehouse
Identify leading indicators to proactively coach lift truck operators and get ahead of safety incidents
Create a culture of safety and accountability in your warehouse backed by data