Data Security
OneTrack’s mission is to bring deep visibility to the supply chain to make data-driven decisions and create the safest, fastest warehouses on the planet.
The OneTrack Network is one of the largest collections of warehouse data on this planet. Given that scale, we follow industry best practices to keep our customers' data safe and secure.
Every aspect of OneTrack’s Platform is built with enterprise security in mind. From multi-region availability, redundancy, end-to-end data encryption, to 24/7 monitoring and alerting — you can rest easy knowing that your data security and privacy are our top priorities.

OneTrack Enterprise Security Highlights

Robust role-based
access controls

End-to-end data encryption, in transit and at rest

SOC 2® compliant with regular 3rd party security audits

Application managed by OneTrack, hosted in the cloud

Audit and logging functions for enhanced security
An In-Depth Look at OneTrack Security

Data Security & Encryption
OneTrack captures image and video data, but OneTrack does not extract, compute or store any biometric data. OneTrack does not perform any type of facial recognition or person recognition from any of the data that is stored.
All data, including sensor data, application data, and customer data, is encrypted at rest and in transit using industry-standard TLS v1.2 and AES256.
All data is logically separated by customer across distributed databases with authentication and authorization checks at every layer of the application, including services and users.
All authentication and authorization components are defined based on the principle of least privilege. By default, OneTrack does not delete any sensor data or telemetry data. Customers can request that certain retention policies be implemented. Such retention policies will then be implemented prior to go-live through life-cycle policies on the data storage components of the system.
By default, application users do not have the ability to download videos from the OneTrack application. Every video is watermarked to identify the plant/customer/machine it was captured on.