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Warehouse Operating System

Eliminate surprises in your warehouse operations

Do you know what's really happening in your warehouses? Don't let these unknown risks blindside you. Logistics leaders use OneTrack to get full visibility into their operations to create the safest, fastest, highest quality warehouses on the planet.

Warehouse intelligence

Logistics leaders are under more pressure than ever

Because supply chain costs are under a microscope like never before. That pressure translates into 3 main challenges:

Labor management

Hard to manage labor effectively and efficiently

Broken warehouse process

Process and systems are inconsistent between warehouses

Warehouse process leak

Profit leak from damages, productivity, and trailer returns

It all comes back to a lack of visibility

Imagine if you had a window into your warehouse operations network-wide. Full visibility to see exactly what's going on (and what's going wrong), so you could get ahead of downstream issues.

Warehouse intelligence dashboard

Visibility to create more of your best associates through consistent coaching and allocate labor efficiently.

Visibility into your data and processes to find what's working and standardize that across your network.

Visibility into the nuances happening across your network that you're losing money to (and how to fix it).

Your Warehouse Operating System

Drive accountability & safety through video coaching

From impacts and product damage to the unsafe behaviors plaguing your operations profitability and safety – get your team real-time video alerts to hold operators accountable and stop damages from ever occurring. 

Safety video coaching
Labor spend

Get the most out of every dollar you spend on labor

Start managing your labor based on facts, not opinions. Get the data you need to allocate labor effectively, efficiently, and maximize every productive minute in every shift.

Always ship goods out on time, in top condition 

Trailer returns and OS&D claims can wreak havoc on your reputation and bottom-line. Get the evidence you need to validate your loading and continuously improve quality based on video.

Ship goods
Warehouse data

A single source of truth across your warehouse network 

From setting labor goals directly in OneTrack and syncing your WMS transaction logs with video — bring your key warehouse data in one place to standardize reporting and quickly make critical decisions across your network.

Logistics teams are transforming their warehouse operations with OneTrack 

"We take the approach that all incidents are preventable, and the OneTrack system has the tools necessary to provide real time feedback and coaching to operators.”

Ken Heller

Chief Operating Officer

CJ Logistics America

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Reduction in non-injury related incidents

If you could see everything happening in your warehouses, what could you achieve?

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